
I am an Indonesian. If I have Austrian visa, can I enter Netherlands with my Austrian visa?

by Guest60475  |  earlier

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Sorry, if my question sounds stupid. Because from what I know Austrian and Netherlands are so close and they are part of EU.




  1. # questions are never stupid,  :-) #

    a visa to Austria,which is within the schengen zone allows you to go to all other countries in schengen zone, as long as you enter the schengen zone by the country who gave you the visa first,

    so the aswer is yes you may go to the Netherlands,

    here is a link to the schengen zone:

  2. hallo,

    The 15 Schengen countries are: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Italy, Greece, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain and Sweden. All these countries except Norway and Iceland are European Union members.

    as soon as you've got Schengen visa you can freely travel through all these countries.

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