
I am an a+ student.?

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we had a hw sheet that i got a 68 on. i need my mom to sign it. what do i tell her?




  1. Well, I have been in the same sitch... and yaah its not fun lol... im sorry!!! Umm just let ur mom know that you got a bad grade, but the concept was difficult for you. If you usually get good grades, your mom should be cool with it. I mean it's pretty much not really possible to ALWAYS get good grades at EVERYTHING... i don't mean to sound hannah montana-ey lol but no one's perfect. Good Luck!!!

  2. let her know that this assignment was challenging and just tell her your going to put more effort into the next assignment or the next test and then just go back and review what you did wrong.

    You can't win them all and your mom should be proud of you being an a+ student. If she doesn't understand I'm sorry, just try to communicate with her as best as you can, eventually she'll listen.

  3. Hey, mom. We have been studying tough concepts in class, and I have been having some trouble. I have (haven't but am planning to, if you haven't) gone to my teacher for help, but it's just a concept that I  am not grasping. I knew I needed help when I got back this homework sheet. My grade is a 68, but  I understand what I did wrong on the problems and I am understsanding it better-but not perfectly- now. However, Mr./Mrs. Insert your teacher's name here wants to make sure parents see assignments with grades like this. She would like it to be signed and returned.
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