I make $41,000/year and work 6 days a week, answering calls 24/7. I went 5 months with no paycheck last year when the agency lost a court case to try and keep a four year old child with his adoptive parents. I do not own a home, have sons who attend state college on academic sholarships, and get the same salary whether any of the birthmothers I work with place or not. I teach parenting classes for those who decide to parent, and provide counseling to birthmothers who placed 5-15 years ago for free. My children have gone without when birthmothers needed their rent paid to stay safely off the streets, and I've been late on my rent due to birthmothers who have scammed the agency. I have been cursed at by hospital personnel after a mother asked me to come to her hospital room and tell her about adoption, and physically kicked out of a woman's house when her angry boyfriend came home to find out she was dicussing adoption after he hit for the last time. I have worked with women for