
I am an alcoholic & have been clean & sober for over a year, but now I feel lost & confused. Pls Help!?

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I started drinking when I was 15 & unfortunately since I was shy, it made me feel better about myself & I became addicted to alcohol. On 9-13-06 I was rushed to the ER with heart, liver & kidney failure. I was told I had 6 mos. to live & was put in a nursing hm. After kidney dialysis & physical therapy, my condition improved & now I live alone & am on social security. I don't go out much because I don't feel well most days. Now that I am clean & sober, I don't know what to do with myself. I am on a lot of meds & am limited to what I can & can't do. I still crave alcohol sometimes but I know if I take another drink it will kill me. I have been to AA, but I am uncomfortable around people & get nervous & have anxiety attacks. I feel like I am the only person who has ever gone through such an ordeal. The doctors say it is a miracle I survived, but sometimes I wish I didn't. Sometimes I feel like that shy 15 yr old again. If there is anyone out there who can relate to what I am going through, please tell me how you overcame this major depression.




  1. As regards your numerous health problems perhaps you could do some extensive health research on the Internet.  Reading questions and answers in the various health categories in Yahoo! answers might also help you.  Medication can have bad side effects so perhaps the alternative health category might be of interest to you.  Probably the greatest impact on your health is your diet so a healthy diet is all important and this is more important than exercise.  You really need both for good health.

    Living without alcohol as you have to is extremely difficult as you can always find plenty of drinking mates.  To feel normal without alcohol is a real problem when alcohol made you feel normal and relaxed.  It takes determination and willpower.  You have to find some new hobbies and interests to replace your previous boozing hobby or boozing career and that is easier said than done.  Perhaps you can find some friends in AA and share some interests with them.  Besides attending AA meetings they must have some other interests.

    To improve your communication skills and presentation skills perhaps you could join a Toastmasters Group.  With more confidence and better presentation skills you will be more successful, relaxed and happy in the world.  Boredom and isolation are real killers.  Knowledge is power and research on the Internet will extend your knowledge and that also helps.

  2. Hi there, you know something like that actually happened to someone very close to me also at one time in my life. She also turned into an alcoholic when she was still a young teenager about your age. Except that she actually quit drinking about 12 years before her kidneys actually failed. The only reason she quit drinking is because she really wanted to. No one can make you do anything you don't want to do even if it kills you. Being shy is not something that is impossible to get over with. Just open up your heart and reach out and you will attract someone. You seem to be an attractive person so I don't see any valid reason for you to be shy in the first place. Try and seek God. Give God a chance and you will see that it really works. God is good cause now she no longer have to be on dialysis anymore because God along with her will to survive let her be patient until finally a kidney was donated to her. She no longer has to be confined to a set strict diet anymore mainly because she had the will to live and reach out and open up her heart. Just think, a longer life, no more shyness and peace with yourself and with God. Good luck and may God bless you...    

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