
I am an american citizen born here, yet my parents were born in Iran. So, what am I on my college application?

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In other words I am American, but my heritage is Persian. I realize Iran is in Asia, but people usually do not consider Persians as Asian.

So would i be considered Asian or should I be putting Other? Thanks for the help.




  1. You are an American citizen.  College applications want to know and will use your citizenship to determine your eligibility.  If they ask about your heritage it is usually for non-academic purposes.   You are proud of your Persian heritage so let everyone know.  

    Few Americans know Iran is part of Asia (trust me on this).  

  2. well, Persians are from Asia, but I thought they were Aryan, but I'd say put what you like and let them figure it out..

  3. I believe either one would make sense.

  4. You can put down either.

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