
I am an antiguan Native and i want to move to canada to seek employment, what am i to do?

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I a looking to move asap.




  1. Sharon...............

    Slow down girl. This process is NOT an over night thing.  At the very least, it will take you a year, or more, to be accepted as a immigrant to Canada.

    First you have to apply, listing just about your entire lfe since you were born, along with a Police record search, and  personal refferences, and your education records, and your work history and of course your  financial records to prove that you will have enough cash money to support yourself when you get to Canada.

    Then you WAIT, and eventually, you will get a letter, telling you that you have been accepted, or not. If accepted, then you have to get a medical, and a chest x ray, and a blood test, by a cerfified Medical  Doctor, that is approved by the Canadian Government, in your home country.

    Still interested ?

    Jim Bunting. Toronto.

  2. If you plan to immigrate to Canada for work, the best approach right now is to apply as a skilled worker, if you qualify.

    Canada has a shortage of skilled workers and professionals, and a low birth rate. As a result, they have tried to speed up the immigration process, and immgration has been simplified.

    I do not see any indication that nationals from Antigua and Barbuda require a visa, so it should be fairly simple for you to get here if you have skills, although could still take months.

    There is also an option to come here temporarily for work, but that tends to be more for migrant workers, such as someone who comes to Canada during the harvest season to help farmers collect their produce.

    Even if that is not ultimately what you want to do, read up on it as it may be of benefit to say that you worked in Canada in the past when you do go to apply for the actual immigration.

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