
I am an engineer but what other jobs can i do?

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I am an engineer but what other jobs can i do?




  1. Go and be a primary school teacher...

  2. Depends on what kind of engineer you are, dear........I majored in mechanical engineering and now run a quality control department for a major auto manufacturer.........

  3. You can create your own websites or blogs @ and put up your products' photos. If you can

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  4. most engineers are pretty good with math and science, so teaching could be an option.  or an accountant.   but it depends on what you're good at, what skills you have, and what you like.  once you figure that out, you can see what careers you might be interested in.

  5. Project management is usually something you can offshoot into. Or if your smart enough you can be an inspector, crash inspector, you can be an average builder.

    With a little bit of experience engineers can move off into a lot of different fields because of the practicality and general science applications of the knowledge we have.

    I'm an engineer to.

  6. It is not what other jobs can you do, but rather WHAT DO YOU WANT TO DO?

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