
I am an indian in dubai. my job takes me to travel in syria n iran. will this affect my chances of a US visa?

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I am an indian in dubai. my job takes me to travel in syria n iran. will this affect my chances of a US visa?




  1. No, Just as long as you are not a spy, or doing something illegal that will get you into trouble.

  2. As long as you can show that you are traveling to those countries for legitimate reasons, which seems to be the case since you said that you travel to Syria and Iran because your occupation takes you there, then you should have very little problems with obtaining an American visa.  

    Make sure you keep all your exit/entry documentation and if needed, it might not be a bad idea to obtain a letter from your employers when you apply for the US visa, stating that they sent you to those countries for your job.  This can only help your case.

    Hope this helps!

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