
I am an intern who graduates college at the end of this month. I do not have a full-time job yet.

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My boss/direct supervisor at my internship has been such a nightmare. He uses me, is extremely manipulative, excessively controlling, etc. He purposely did not invite me to company parties, acts suspicious if I leave his office (in fear of me even communicating with other colleagues in the office - I suspect in fear of me wanting to work with them or for them and establishing professional relationships), and lately has had a major attitude.

He is basically throwing me under the bus. I was going to talk with the manager (top person in charge) about being hired full-time and my boss goes to him and talks to him before I get the chance, and says who knows what about me. Should I talk to HR? Friday he was in such a foul mood and it was all directed at me. He keeps me in his relatively small office so he can keep tabs on me and he turns off the A/C since he has allergies.

I do not bow down to him and he is like a little boy who constantly needs people to be spectacular to him otherwise he will throw a temper tantrum. He is very malicious and spiteful. I do not know what to do. Please advise.




  1. Get your resume' together & get out there.  Usually there will be "head-hunters" looking for good employees.  When on a job interview & asked why you left your previous job, be honest without being malicious. The job market is cold right now, so you have to decide just how much more you can take.  

    You may also write a complaint & deliver it to his manager.  Lots of luck!

  2. I was fired from my job as a Operations Manager in 2001 and since then I promised myself that I will NEVER ever become dependent on somone else for a JOB.  I then went

    into business for myself and I have never looked back.  

    The best thing you can do is become financially independent.  I am now a Area Director/Business owner of a wonderful company and I help people just like yourself start their own businesses.  I you want information on how to do this visit us here:

    The best thing now that you can do is believe in yourself, and I'm sure you already do.  So come see what we have to offer you.

    Anyway look into the program and if anyone wants to get in on the business here is a interesting audio presentation:

    Wishing you all the best!

  3. I would definately talk to someone about him!  Is there someone who is in charge of your internship at school?  You might try talking to them as well.  If you want a job with this company, you might want to ask yourself if you're going to have to have daily contact with this person.  If you go above his head and talk to someone about him, he might become even more spiteful, especially if he gets in trouble.

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