
I am an international student in australia. i have good listening skills but have have problems with speaking?

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and i may sound or look rude from the outside because i can't talk and express myself as much as i could in my own language. it is quite depressing sometimes. does anyone feel the same way? people who have english as their first language or have no problems with speaking english fluently can answer too.




  1. I've felt the same way when I was living in another country (non-English). You are not alone! I think a good way to overcome your speaking issue would be to get an english speaking boyfriend/girlfriend or to see if you can get a language buddy. Your university/college might be able to help you with this. A buddy would be able to help you not only with language and friendship, but will also help you to better understand the local culture. You should not pay anyone for this service, but you could offer your buddy help learning your language, culture or even cooking your home national food.

    Good luck!

  2. a lot of international students feel the same way. its hard to communicate if you're put in a place where people speak fluent english when english is not your first or second language. what annoys me more is that when you can speak the language fluently but then when you speak to someone who speaks english really fast, you become speechless.

    don't worry. you'll eventually get used to speaking the language. it just takes time. going to english language classes might also help but its a little expensive.

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