
I am an office administrator. Is age 49 too old for a change of career into accountancy?

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There have been some very encouraging input here and I thank all who have contributed.

I am very keen to go for this challenge but some of my friends are warning me against it because of my age.

I would really love to hear from any who have take this path later on in their career, but I would welcome any further comments, good or bad.




  1. NO WAY!!! do it. and don't look back.  

  2. no but if you hang about 59 will be knocking on your door then it will be to late

  3. 49 isn't old!  Go for it.  I expect an office would be glad to have someone literate and numerate in an office - have you come across some of the current school leavers recently - they can't spell or add up!

  4. Definetly not. I'm in an office too, i hate it.

  5. you are NEVER too old to change career, get trained up, set yourself up and go for it

  6. My attitude towards life says go for it, you are never too old. My head says something different.  We are in an age where many employers seem to think you are ready for the Zimmer Frame and Bus Pass as soon as you pass 40 and a newly qualified Accountant in her early 50's is likely to find that suitable jobs are few and hard to find !!!  

  7. never to old in my opinion

  8. Are you joking? you should start thinking about pensions...

  9. Nope !! your never to old to have a change in anything !! if you want to then do it !!! good luck !

  10. Not too old. You can get taken more seriously if you start putting yourself through the exams. I am just finishing my CIMA (a good industry and business qualification) and in my class there have been some people in their 50s before. You can study by distance learning if you can't make a course though many providers offer courses in evenings and weekends. (see

    I am sure you will face ageism BUT these are qualifications which make people take notice. I'd have thought you'd stand a better chance at your current employer initially to perhaps make a sideways move or even try getting some additional duties which are more in a financial remit. Then once you have a little more experience plus a few exams under your belt you could move to another company if they weren't allowing you to transfer to a full finance/accounting role. By starting to get a few exams the ageists won't be able to be so dismissive.

    You should go for it. I am 31 and people my age know 49 yr olds are every bit as competent (some would argue more competent). I dare say some people will write you off but there are enough people who won't.

  11. go for it! you are never too old! try AAT... they are good for Accountancy! i am studying AAT at the moment!  

  12. Carpe Diem, my friend. The only obstacles in life are those that you make yourself.

    In the words of Rocky, 'Go for it,'

  13. h**l no!  And I wish my mom would understand this!  She says she's too old to get a better job but I think she's got so much experience she could be RICH by now!

  14. If you retire around 65 then you've still got 15/16 years of work left. If they change the rules like they're planning to, you may be working until you're 70! That's 20/21 years of work left. Whether it's 15 or 21 years of work - it's a very long time, and if you want to change, then do it! You'll probably regret it if you don't - and if it turns out that it's not for you, then at least you know! :) Good luck!

  15. I'm 25 and feel it's too late to change out of administration. I think that we both should stop worrying. you only get one go in this life, so if that change will make you happier, go for it.

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