
I am an united states citizen living in the usa married to a mexican citizen and i want to move to mexico. Wha

by Guest58568  |  earlier

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I am an united states citizen living in the usa married to a mexican citizen and i want to move to mexico. What do i do??? I have about 100k saved up and from what im told i can live on that for the rest of my life. But i dont have a steady stream of income, and from what i hear i will need to show a steady stream of income to live in mexico. approx. 1,000.00 per month. The big question...Does that change when i marry a mexican citzen???




  1. yes, it does change.  you can easily get citizenship (well, permanent residence and eventually citizenship) if you marry a mexican citizen.  also, your savings will show you have sufficient income, if there is a requirement.

    no, 100k will NOT last you the rest of your life!!  maybe if you plan on living 7 years or less, on a limited budget!!  mexico is a country like any could make 30k/yr and still not feel as though you have enough money to do as you please.  not only that, you could have a serious accident and wipe out that 100k in no time at all.  if you want to move to mexico, begin the paperwork for your residency and start researching for a good job!

  2. 100k would last me about 13 years in mexico?

  3. I wouldnt know about the legal aspects (contact an immigration authority) but what I can tell you is that 100K wont last a lifetime.... at least not in major cities...  but dont worry.. you can easily get a job being american (depending on your skills of course, and again, the city you are trying to go to)

    100K for me in mexico city would last no more than 5 years, and with kids, a lot less.

    good luck

  4. There are several issures here.  First,  two of you can live modestly, but decently for about $1500 a month if you live in a non-touristy area and are careful.  So, you could last about 5 years on your money.  Second, You can get an FM3 visa at the nearest Mexican consulate ( see 1st website below) if you show your bank statement with that balance in the bank.  You will need to renew your FM3 each year and show a bank statement with at least one yr's worth of support in the bank each time.  Third, After 5 years you can apply for citizenship, and it will be easier for you since you are married to a citizen.  Fourth, as a non-citizen, you CANNOT work in Mexico without a WORK permit .  There are many types of FM3 visas, and an FM3 with work permit is one.  You have to first find an employer that will hire you and write  letter to immigration stating that he cannot find a Mexican national to fill that job.  Usually, you need to be highly skilled in an area where workers are can't just come and pick up any old job.  Next, jobs here, even for professionals , pay about 1/10th of what they pay in the states.  Cost of living here is  about 1/2 what it is in the states...that leaves a huge gap.  Also, if you do not work, you will get bored , depressed, and drive your wife nuts!   The ideal thing to do is work, save, and then RETIRE in Mexico when you have a pension and do not need to work.   There are severl websites below for you to read and research your possibilities.  If you become a mexican citizen, you do NOT have to give up your American citienship...they say you do, but the U.s. does not recognize that statement and does NOT revoke your citienship.  But that is a ways down the road, and you have other issues to resolve first.  One answerer mentioned putting your money in an annuity..well, I do hope it is wisely invested sot it will earn a decant am't of interest every year.

  5. No

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