
I am an unmarried male living in London,how can I change my name according to English Law?

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How much does it cost?Could I be prevented?If so why?Do I need a name change form in English law?I feel that life would improve if only I used a different name.

I am a British citizen.




  1. You have a right in case law to use any name you want. Don't let banks, etc bamboozle you into entering into a Deed Poll - legally, this is not necessary.

  2. By Deed Poll.

  3. In the UK you can use any name you want, as long as it is not with nefarious intention. You can not give yourself a title such as Lord this or Sir that, but if you feel that for what ever reason you want to be known as John Smith-Browncow-Horsely, then you can. All you need to do is make it publicly known to whomever it will concern. You can type out a deed poll yourself, thats how simple it is.If you want to change your passport or driving permit you just write to them and tell them like it is. Come to think of it, John Smith-Browncow-Horsely sounds pretty good, sorry you cant have that.

  4. yep its a deed poll you need go and see a solicitor-you will have to pay for it though

  5. You can simply assume another name and notify all parties concerned that this, from now on, will be your name. However, it is better, particularly when it comes to dealing with government departments and banks, to do it by deed poll in order to have a document to produce to those in authority. A bewildering number of organisations exist offering to do this for you for a small fee, which is perhaps an indication of how many people are doing this.

  6. These peeps charge 34 squids.

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