
I am anemic and need to take 365 millagrams of iron every day. my body is reacting weirdly to it.?

by  |  earlier

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my doctor told me to take 500 millagrams of vitamin c to help my body absorb the massive amount of iron. i used to take 1000 millagrams of vitamin c daily and take like 65 millagrams of iron as well but today with my new prescription from my doctor i took my 365 millagrams of iron with 500 millagrams of vitamin c instead of 1000 millagrams and felt very bloated and tired and had [diarrhea (but only after i had mexican food so it might not count)]

what are some extra things that i can do to help my anemia (tired and shortness of breath, pale [i go tanning for that], and low concentration at times (usually on my period)?

thank you.





  1. MEAT!

    RED MEAT .

    umm there alot more just go on google and there will be lots of things that pop up to tell you what to eat

  2. To help with iron intake you should be cooking in an old-fashioned cast iron skillet (no coatings)  

    The food will take up some of the iron during cooking (especially acidic foods like tomato-based sauces) and improve your iron intake....

    and Cream of Wheat (iron fortified)

  3. I wonder how severe your anemia is, and if a cause was identified.  I ask because a common cause is loss of blood through the GI tract, which can lead to dark stools as you described.  I am sure your doctor will/has investigated all possible etiologies, just make sure he/she is aware of the dark poo.  

    Also, are you a vegetarian?  Many times this can lead to anemia as well.  Not surprising that your symptoms are worse on your period, since you are losing additional blood during that time.

    Best of luck!

  4. umm i have no idea

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