
I am applying for a fiance visa for the UK do many people get turned doen for this? What for?

by Guest57436  |  earlier

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Just wanting advice on what precations I can take as I really don't want to get turned down, and there is no refund.

I am a New Zealand male living in Ireland on 1 year working holiday. Financally healthy, so is she Been together for 2.5 years.

Does any one know of any services that can help me?




  1. A non-visa national visiting the UK must satisfy an immigration officer at a UK port of arrival that they qualify for entry. The requirements that a visitor must meet - the Immigration Rules - can be found on the Border and Immigration Agency website:

      Immigration Rules  

    Visitors seeking to enter for the purposes of marriage

    Requirements for leave to enter as a visitor for marriage

    The requirements to be met by a person seeking leave to enter the United Kingdom as a visitor for marriage or civil partnership are that he:

    (i) meets the requirements set out in paragraph 41 for entry as a visitor; and

    (ii) can show that he intends to give notice of marriage or civil partnership, or marry or form a civil partnership, in the United Kingdom within the period for which entry is sought; and

    (iii) can produce satisfactory evidence, if required to do so, of the arrangements for giving notice of marriage or civil partnership, or for his wedding or civil partnership ceremony to take place, in the United Kingdom during the period for which entry is sought; and

    (iv) holds a valid United Kingdom entry clearance for entry in this capacity.

    also read here :


  2. You will not be turned down unless you have a criminal record.

  3. The only way you are going to find out in your own individual case, is to apply, sorry but that's the only way you will find out for sure.

  4. North or Southern Ireland ie Eire?  One presumes the latter.  What nationality is your intended?  

    Cyrus is on the level and knows his stuff.

    Applications stand or fall on their own individual merit.

  5. Since you are financially sounds and hopefully no criminal record.... and you can substantiate or prove to them by means of showing your pay slip for at least 3 months, 6 months of current bank acct statement and proof that you and your gf are in love and have to get married within 6 months... you get your fiance visa within 10 working days. That's all there is to it. You don't need an agency or an immigration lawyer to do that. Just make sure that when you're filling up your application forms that you don't make any mistakes.... they don't even ask you for an interview if everything that you send them are legitimate and proves that what you're saying is true. I've known a few who went through it. Infact I came here from Canada last Sept with a spousal visa..... send them your pictures together, letters, cards too....and also if you already have a place i.e. mortgage statements/rental agreement....

    All the best..

  6. i'm going through the same process at the moment.we've known each other for 3 years,and my g/f came to stay with me for 5 months last year.when she returned to mexico i contacted an organisation called the immigration advisory service,and they are guiding me through the process.i work full time and have evidence of us having spent the 5 months living together,yet i have been told that we have a 50/50 chance of being granted the fiancee visa.i really do wish you all the luck in the world

  7. If you can show that you intend to marry within 6 month sof entry and that you have a serious susisting relationship and that you have the means to support and maintain self financially then the application should be successful. I am an immigration solicitor and I specialise in this sort of thing. Private message me if you want to take it any further.

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