
I am applying for my naturalisation as a british citizen and have just been asked to prove that i was here.?

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i should prove that i habe been here between july 2003- mid 2005. what can i use as prove because at that time, i was not working neither was i in school. any ideas?




  1. naturaliSation? or naturaliZation?

    I habe? or I have?

    prove? or proof?

    I got an idea check your grammar because it is required in the INS test.

  2. Bank statements????

  3. any bills, bank statements. you must have some sort of evidence, its not that long a go.

  4. You can prove it by showing your passport. It would have been stamped if you left and came in the country, and as you were here it wouldn't have these stamps. (But would have a stamp from when you arrived). You could also show official mail, council tax etc.

  5. coucil tax bill, utility bill. letter from housing/landlord, bank statement, etc etc

  6. Bank statements would show any activity in the UK at that time as would credit card bills.  Some banks will be able to help with that if you don't have your statements.  Your passport would help but as the UK does not stamp out and many countries do not stamp in also during part of that time it was not necessary to re stamp a passport once a visa was activated into the UK, so more is needed.  Did you attend any formal functions, attend any interviews, do anything that would have been recorded by photograph or documentation/newspaper articles etc.?  A wedding of a friend that shows you in the photos and proof of that wedding?  Did you attend a GP clinic or hospital?  Did you go to a dentist? Think of anything you did where a record would remain and get copies of all the appointments/records.  You just have to have enough to back up your passport.

  7. passport?

  8. Where were you living? were you paying rent? also dont you have a visa in your passport from the time you arrived in the country, or at least a date stamp?

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