
I am asked if i would like to go to Nepal-i'm not sure.?

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i am invited over by a Buddhist monk not native to the country to maybe head up a programme of Community Centres along Buddhist lines. I said i might go in March in tandem with an NGO, he said he has to go to USA in 2 months, if because of financial difficulties-they'd pay for my flight (impressed by my proposals perhaps). The organisation is located in Kathmandu-what do you think? Though if i take their offer i leave with less money for security.

Source(s): organisation




  1. Nepal is a BEAUTIFUL place, away from everything, very relaxing. It's a new experience that will make you wiser. If don't take it, you won't know what you'll be loosing. It's always better then doing the same thing you do everyday. It's something new, you know, don't do it for the money, do it for you. I think you should take it.

  2. I traveled to Tibet two years ago and it was amazing. Just make sure your visas are in order. Sometimes you can book it with a tour group. It's nice to have a local guide to show you around.

    Also get your travel immunizations early too.

  3. It sounds like a great once in a lifetime oppurtunity. And while you're over there, I had a roommate who was deported home, tell him he still owes me money :-)

  4. Heck yes,, you will love it, will change your life forever :) all the  best.

    can i come to :P

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