
I am asking the younger people what the meaning for Alternative meadicine means?

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And why they ask drug questions ?




  1. What is meadicine?

    ***Oooh - Medicine.

    Yes, that is natural medicine that is not harmful to the body and with many less side effects of the mainstream medicine. It's definitely worth looking into because if natural is waaay better than the stuff we've got going on now.

  2. herbs



    remedial massage

    renki (hands on healing)

    anything that doesnt involve chemical medications anda doctor

  3. I understood that alternative medicine to mean any form of treatment that did not conform to the registered medical profession.

    I know of one such test that they shut down by falsely claiming that test showed no such benefit.

    I hope this helps GOOD LUCK.

  4. alternative medicine is based on theory and almost magic-like treatments for sicknesses. there is no hard evidence that it actually works, but some believe it is better than commercial medicines. they had a south park episode on it.

  5. pardon?

  6. I am not a younger person, but I would imagine that younger people don't know much about Alternative Medicine.  

    Odds are, they have not been introduced to the concept and have only been taken to conventional clinics or hospitals by their parents.

    Parents should teach their children about it and learn more about it themselves.  Natural ingredients do not contain chemicals.

    I assume you are not talking about illegal drugs, but instead you are referring to prescription medications.

  7. alternative medicine is the term used for Traditional home medicine in America.. Herbs, broths, acupuncture is in there some where. they ask about drugs because they confuse the term with self medication.

  8. alternative medicine usually means something other than the normal brand of pills

  9. You seem to be suggesting that young people are asking drug questions in the wrong place when they post such questions in Alternative Medicine.

    They have to post such questions somewhere and other options would include posting  them in Health - General or perhaps in Health & Well-Being.

  10. Alternative medicine is typically herbs, supplements, homeopathic, etc.  I'm not sure what you mean about the drug questions though.

  11. Drugs like marijuana, MDMA, psllocybin mushrooms, LSD etc are alternative medicines. They all have medicinal uses and are certainly not mainstream. Even Cocaine is a powerful medicine and vastly misunderstood. For more information about these "drugs" you can visit Or an orgaization devoted to promote the medical research for such substances.

  12. Alternative medicine includes practices that differ from conventional medicine. A typical definition is "every available approach to healing that does not fall within the realm of conventional medicine". Commonly cited examples are homeopathy, naturopathy, chiropractic, and herbal medicine.

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