
I am asking this question for an important reason...?

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0 LIKES UnLike patriotism alive and well in America?




  1. From over in nz - it seems america is both uber patriotic and ignorant to the rest of the world. Patriotism is 'alive' sure... but the stuff they portray on tv of americans seems not so healthy...

  2. What is "patriotism" as applied to any country or culture?  What country's patriotism is more morally superior as compared to another country?  Should the direction of patriotism stay unchanged when separated by time (decades, centuries etc.) or when borders change?  Is it a simple or a complex notion?

  3. Alive, certainly. I'm almost inclined to say "alive and diseased" though.

    There are a LOT of people who are simply unclear on the concept.

    Patriotism isn't about worshipping flags, but about the well-being of the country, and about the principles on which the country was founded.

    I don't think I've ever met any American who hated their country (though many of us hate particular actions of the our country, and deplore various trends in it).

    The current popular idea that there are at least a hundred million Americans who hate America is just about the most anti-patriotic idea going.

    "America: right or wrong" is an anti-American idea. After all, the right to use our own minds, come to our own judgements, and speak out against wrong our governmenet does is one of the most deeply American ideas there is.

    And it's those who tend to spout off most about being patriotic who are most anti-American in their beliefs and attitudes.

  4. No idea, I live in the UK.

  5. Patriotism has been in great decline since 2003.

    I believe that it was at that time that people started to realize that our President was using our emotions of loss and revenge for 9/11 to institute a new type of foreign policy that involved nation building and extended conflicts abroad.

    Americans want to believe in their country, but because of the Bush Administration, we have been made to feel ashamed of our country and have had to apologize for it.  We want and need a return to simpler values and more focused directives.

  6. i think for the most part it is...i am very proud to be an AMERICAN and for those who arn't they can go live in iraq or somewhere where they don't have freedom or cable tv or cars or only make 1.00 a day and then see how much they love America..i would never leave my country i love it here and support it 100%

  7. i know some americans that are very patriotic but most are disgusted with mentally unstable  BUSH and the government .

  8. It is very much alive and still is the pride of all Americans to be called one.  But what is missing is dedication of a true leader.  Can you call the President patriotic if he is sending his children to be killed in foreign lands.  Now you are about to choose a new leader.  See to it that you won't make the same mistake, vote a patriot, vote an American, be careful of the wolf dressed in suit.  Be wise brothers!

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