
I am at the end of my rope.I feel like I am a loser in life and just want to die.NO,I am not suicidal.

by  |  earlier

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This is my problem.I have lived with my OCD, control freak, narcissistic boyfriend for 2 years.We have a one year old daughter together.I have so many problems with the mental anguish he puts me through.I just can't bring myself to leave because I am afraid of losing my daughter.He has set me up and called the cops on me 3 times since the birth of our daughter.He comes from a family with money I have nothing except for a job.He keeps one when the mood strikes him.I have supported our daughter since day one.Yet she adores her father.It makes me feel rotten.How do I get over this feeling.I am pregnant again.It wasn't a nice way that the pregnancy happend.I haven't told anyone I am 4 months along and scared.What do I do how can I get my little girl to look at me with the love that she does for her father.I do everything for her. How could this have happened.Any advice?I am not a whiney person.I need help!!!




  1. It might be best to find a solicitor before you leave your boyfriend just so you have legal advice ready, you say he called the cops on you 3 times but not what for and were you charged with anything but in reality these wont count in family court as it would only be crimes against a child that would sway a judge neither would his family or money background.

    Whose name is the property in and if your paying all the bills, foods etc and can prove it you could be entitled to some share of the property. As I said best bet is to get a solicitor in advanced or try these websites to see how you stand or the nearest solicitor to you who deals in the diversion you need.

    I will say a prayer for you and you only need to look to the stars and remember you are not alone.

    This site has helped me through some dark times

    Hope them sites do help you, I am contactable through this site if you need more infomation

  2. If you google Desiderata and read it (it is a short piece) I think you might find some of the answers you need to help you make some very serious decisions.

    My very best wishes to you.


  3. omg im so sorry.

    you should try to talk to your parents and his parents. and to make ur daughter love you more when she gets older stop doing things for a few days for her. so she will realize just how much u do for her. as for your boyfriend you dont deserve him. he is rude and just plain mean. u should move in with a a friend or family member

  4. I think you should see someone professional because if you were to try and leave he could do something bad! Perhaps tell your parents and they could try and help. But really I don't know how to help. Sorry.. :(

  5. wow........ i wud like to help u out but then i'm scared that if given a wrong advice, it mite actaully lead u into more trouble. so i'm gonna wish u all the best and that someone out there does help u. and also to say that u're hubby is a true a*****e

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