
I am at the end of my rope with my little brother. Need help right away!!?

by Guest57219  |  earlier

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My little brother, Nick is 6.

He is abusive towards our cats, has talked about, and tried to kill them, and has strangled my other brother, who is 10. He says hes going to kill himself alot. He is very violent. I think his influences are our 7 year old neighbors who have foul mouths and are violent. He steals, and is rude. My Play Station Portable (PSP) is my prized possesion. My parents and 10 year old brother have the respect not to touch it when I dont give them permission (I bought it) and my little brother takes it whenever he wants. He has me up untill 3 in the morning keeping him away from our cats, and ten year old brother. My mom and dad dont care about his attitude but it stresses me out. I feel like ripping my air out, hes been like this since age 3 1/2. HELP!!!!!




  1. im not really good at these kinds of situations but if it helps try talking to him maybe there is something that has been bothering him for a long time that works but if that does not work than try giving him punishments. i kind of have a brother like that  and he shuts up if i put him in a dark closet...he is scared of that...then he learns a lesson, maybe if you could do something like that, it could smack some sense into him.

  2. lol wow you got alot on ur case if he is that bad u need to take him to the doctors and get him checked out they might be able to give him something to calm everything out

    and you parents should be notichin this alot more if it is more n more him saying he wants to kill himself bcuz thats not ryt at a stage most people do say it but not at his age

    welll gd luk

  3. u need to tell him off,  and your neighbours kid isnt helping!!

  4. If your parents "don't care" he is acting like this,  maybe they are half his problem.  He wants attention and this is his way of getting it.  Hurting animals is such a scary sign towards a   destructive start in life. Do your parents REALLY not care that he is hurting the cats and your brother, or are they overwhelmed by him and don't know what to do? Take his suicide threats seriously, they are a cry for help.  If I were you I would have a talk with a trusting authority figure and tell them whats going on in your house. See what they suggest and maybe they will have a heart to heart with your parents.

    Your parents need to wake up and smell the coffee before it boils over and burns the house down.

  5. He needs a bit of disciplining actions.

    Spank him whenever he commits a bad behavior but be sure to explain it to him that it was not the right thing he'd done.

    Make him feel you are the boss & that you will never be bullied by him.

    That made my little brother so scared of me, now he is well behaved when I'm around.

  6. Needs more discipline, and yes the neighbors kid is influencing him. Remember when you were a kid and you wanted to be like your friends? How do you think the white kids want to act gangsters"? Because black people to them are cool..

  7. He needs to be disciplined however YOU are not the one to do it.  His problem isn't HIS fault it is the fault of your parents, for not disciplining him.  Children will go wild when not disicplined and your brother is living proof.  All I can suggest is that you call CPS and tell them the problems with your brother because not disciplining a child is considered neglect and your parents are guilty of it.

  8. It sounds like he needs professional help or should be evaluated...but if your parents don't see that, there isn't much that you can do.  Do you have aunts or uncles or any other adult in the family that sees this behavior?  Children trying to kill animals is serious sounds silly, but there are many studies that show that violence toward animals is a sign of violence toward humans later in life.  Yikes!!

  9. He sounds sociopathic. Really. One of the biggest symptoms of an early sociopath is a desire to harm pets, and a complete lack of sympathy or respect for them.

    If you're able to, take him to a child psychologist or someone specializing in behavior modification. You might want to start by mentioning this to your parents and saying it'll help relieve your stress. Be sincere about it, because you want your brother to get help. Maybe they'll start caring.

    Sorry, that sounds like a miserable situation. I hope it gets better for you.

  10. Pick up the phone and call your family doctor or his nurse and tell about your little brother's behavior (skip the part about the PSP, it may be your prize possession but it doesn't compare with your younger brother being strangled) and how your parents seem to be oblivious to it.  Or go see your brother's school principal with your story.  Your family is messed up and you all obviously need help.  Let the professionals help.

  11. I dont know how old you are but since he's six, and YOUR parents are aware of what he is doing and they dont care and have not even tried, it may be time to seek help outside of the parents. Grandparents? Aunts? Uncles? May be able to help?? If not, then someone at his school. I know he cant be that well behaved in school either. He definitly needs some help and it is beyond a good a** beatin. It is NOT normal for a child to run around talking about killing himself and trying to kill other living things. I'm sorry, but most serial killers start with animals...Get the boy some help before he gets any older and really does some harm.

  12. a good romping would do him some good

    try putting a lock on your door and bring the cats with you to bed


  14. its because your parents dont care..thats why he knows that..and you have to enforce that he can respect you.

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