
I am attending gd or group discussion for the first time can u give me tips on what all should be done there

by  |  earlier

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I am going to attend gd for the first time in my life can u tell me some tips how to face this situation,this gd is an entry test for one of the best colleges in the region and its website says i have to make a presentation also.what should i do there??




  1. this is the Special Ed section

    please learn what special ed means, and how to use yahoo answers properly

    thank you

  2. first of all be clear & confident about the topic in GD. try to list out  the points that has to be important to be discussed in the GD.

    presentation mainly comprises presenting your point in the cut to cut but in a attractive manner

  3. In the group discussions we have to maintain atleast minimum rules .if the topic given by them is unknown to you .you should keep quite and listen what others are telling  and you should note the important points ,in this situation you have to maintain the eye contact with others .in this listening skills are important.atlast all are said there opinions ,then you should start with some important points that what you have wrote in your book.If the topic is known very well to you ,and you should start first,and tell your opinion.if others start first you should wait untill they stop.

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