
I am australia and i want to go to university in England do i have to do the IB or can i just do VCE??

by Guest44867  |  earlier

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I am australia and i want to go to university in England do i have to do the IB or can i just do VCE??




  1. For international student, you need to have at least a level 3 qualification or its equivalent. As for your question, IB and VCE are considered as similar level. Therefore, either one will do and will be acceptable by the university. However, I must remind you that different university has different entry requirements. You also have to earn UCAS tariff points to be qualified to certain universities. Should you need more info, drop me a line or two at that I may be able to assist you to get into some universities directly.

  2. I think you have to do IB to be accepted there. Thats what I have heard... but I don't know for sure. In fact i really don't have much of an idea. I am only saying what I heard from charlotti. =]

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