
I am baby sitting on Saturday what should i do?

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I am baby sitting on Saturday what should i do?




  1. Sorry but why is this in the horse racing section?  Anyway you don't say what age or how many kids you are babysitting?  How about taking him/her or them to the park to play.

  2. This is the horse racing section.

  3. Well since your in the Horse Racing category.. I say take them to the track.

  4. are the kids u r baby sitting horses?

  5. Rent movies, Read a book, Study, if the kids are old enough play board games with them. If not, then take magazines, video games.

  6. It depends on the ages of the kids. Find a game they can enjoy, read a book to them, ask them what they would like to do. Find out from their parents what they want you to do. Good luck

  7. Make sure that you bring plenty of hay and a Mr. Ed story to read them to sleep, if you can find one

  8. Get the kids some paper and markers and let them draw all they want

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