
I am babysitting a 3 y/o the kid??

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the kid never sits still even when eating never makes eye contact and chews up toys and puzzle pieces what can i do i try reading doing puzzles and such keep his interest or at least still but nothing hold the kids interest but maybe 1-2 minutes top




  1. He's 3, nothing is going to hold his attention. Try taking him outside to run around a bit. Remember to keep him hydrated so we don't have a baby that passes out. He is going to have a sort attention span but there are always things that can get their attention. Make some dough that he can play in. Ya know, water, flour, a little salt. He will like the squishy feeling. At that age he likes to interact. Hang in there and good luck.  

  2. Must be a boy!  Amazing how much energy they have.  The park idea is good.  But any kind of running, jumping, playing hard is a good idea.  Give in.  Don't force him to sit, do the opposite.  Run him hard for just 20-40 minutes or so and he'll sleep well tonight.  

  3. Take him to a park and let him run! Sounds like the kid has tons of energy to burn. Let him burn it. You can't expect a 3 year old to just sit still and play games.

  4. Get off the couch and stop watching television and take the child outside to play where he can release the energy.  

  5. Find an activity to get his attention.  Maybe a kids bowling toys, baseball or something physically engaging.  Most 3 year old want to be doing something interactive.  Make sure it's an activity you both can do together versus just trying to tire him out.  That will help build a relationship for when you want to try to get him to do other activities such as puzzles or reading.

  6. bring him to out to a park....

    get a room.. fill it with toy game and stuff... nothing that is breakable...

    and just let him play..

    give him some of his favourite foods.. ask his mother what he likes and just do everything that he likes and enjoys..

    once you know what he likes use that to get him to be calm and stuff like that  

  7. Children at this age are beginning to learn right from wrong. They're very sensitive about making mistakes, so try not to scold, embarass them, or make them feel guilty. Keep your temper when the child loses his. Try to be as forgiving as possible.

    Toddlers love to play chase, maybe you could interest him with this? Let them catch you after a little game of chase, keep it fun and non-threatening. And make sure it's in an area where he couldn't get hurt. Ex; coffee tables, fireplaces, counters, etc...

    Play hide-and-seek.

    Let the toddler see the direction in which you are going to hide. Then tell him to find you, make sure you're not outside the room with the child. Don't make it too hard to find you, stay where you can see him, and he can still see you.

    Play "Fill, empty, pour,"

    This game keeps toddlers happy and has endless possibilities. Use things that he won't choke on. Pouring water is great fun, if the parents won't mind. You might use two larger plastic cups over the bathtub or sink, so you don't make a mess.

    Sit on the floor with him, roll a ball back and forth.

    Play make-believe, come up with a fun story and make it interactive for the child.

    Find a child friendly radio station and play dance.

    There are lots more you could do with the child, but just be patient and keep your cool. If this is the first time you've sat with the child, he may just need some time to warm up to you.

    And if you tell him no, mean it. You don't have to be mean at all, just firm. You are responsible for following through with what you say.

    Never ask a child what he wants, because you could be setting yourself up for a big problem, give him options.

    And if all else fails, grab a couple of bath towels and run around the house like supper heros.

    -Good luck,


  8. try asking the mother what she normally does to calm him down. Also, is this your first time with him? he may just need to adjust to you. And please keep in mind 3 year old boys have a LOT of energy!!! Most of them won't sit still for very long. Mine wouldn't sit still for more than say 15 minutes at a time at that age.

  9. They have excercise/dance DVD's for kids. My son used to love watching and copying those. It was fun for him, kept his attention and helped him to burn off some energy.  

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