
I am babysitting a three year old girl tomorrow and need some help....?

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well normally her older sister is around so we just tag the 3 yr old along with us but tomororw it will be just her for like 4 hours and what should i do?

they have a neighborhood pool which i cant take her too because she just got stitches in on her forhead---she fell down.

she has a lot of toys- and she wont be napping. i will be feeding her dinner but i babysit for this family a lot and she loves me but what can i do with a 3 yr odl for 4 hours. i will take her for a 30 minute walk, and food will only take 30 mins. so what shall i do for 3 hours.

i can have her color which will only take her like 10 minutes... so any suggestions? and i am helping potty train her... but that's al and she cant do anything major outside because of her injury




  1. I take my 2 year old outside exploring. Not only does this entertain her, but she is learning as well. We talk about the birds, sky, trees, other animals, etc. coloring, playing dress up, doing finger nails and toenails (yes you can do this with a 3 yr old if they will sit down), painting, playdough, cooking, playing something like "Simon Says", watching kiddy movies, preparing a snack. If I think of anything else will let you know.

  2. Read to her in different voices so she would enjoy it more.. teach her the ABC song, number 1-5, the primary colors, how to write her name; play tea with her dolls, color with her in her coloring book...

    ...before you know it, she's tired and WILL take a nap.. if not, 4 hours will go fast and smoothly if you teach her the above things..

  3. well it depends what she likes. my son is almost 4yr .we read books, we do imaginary play,like feeding dolls ,dressing them,

    we do  coloring,drawing,sing songs, he  loves to build with blocks and legos, you can take her to park after play and you can give her some snack , or you can join her to watch t.v  and cartoons.

  4. My daughter loved craft activities and still does.  Visit for easy ideas.  Play hospitals with her dolls or vets with her stuffed animal toys, build a cubby out of old boxes or chairs and blankets, fill up a large container with water and play with floating toys or make stick and paper boats, or play with toys in the bath, (don't ever leave her alone with any water and empty the bath/container as soon as you finish playing.), take some of your old clothes, shoes etc and maybe some of her mums and play dressups, read stories and play some music and have a sing-a-long.  Just keep in mind 3year olds have a short attention span so it would be better to swap avtivities about every 15 minutes, you can go back and forth just don't stick to one thing for too long if she seems bored or fidgety.  Have fun!

  5. I have a 3 year old neice and oh boy, she is a handful and it's hard to keep her entertained for such a long time.

    Taking her for a walk sounds like a good idea, along with eating. Have her color, watch little kid movies she likes, play with her toys with her and hopefully the time will go by fast.

    Good luck!! Toddlers are little evil monsters! =)

  6. Can you watch a children's movie together?  That would take a whole big chunk of time.

  7. teach her a card game or play with playdough. make up a dress up for god's sake.

  8. Well, as a father of twins (they are 7 now) I can mention a few things to help pass the time AND have fun.

    One fun thing to do is to play with her while teaching her a skill. If she is like my sons, she is kind of difficult to understand verbally. If you use your hands to teach her sign language. Simple things that she could use as it pertains to her age level.

    "more"= placing fingers of both hands into a pinching position and tapping them together.

    "milk"= placing your hand and motioning just as you would milk a cow.

    "thank you"= placing your hand in an open palm position and tap your chin and move hand away from face.

    "pretty"= place your index finger on the right temple and drag the finger downwards towards your chin.

    There are so many more, but this is a start.

    You can sit with her and make sounds. This improves her recognition of sounds, that eventually form words.

    Just anything to keep her and you occupied will do. There is no right or wrong answer.

    Good Luck!

  9. Its simple try to play her after every activity you said,

    try to teach her something she dosent know,

    read her stories, if she gets tired just think of another way to entertain her.

    have a nice babysitting =)

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