
I am babysitting tonight for a 3 year old and a 6 year old what is the best way to keep them busy?

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both kids are boys

Also what should be there bed time?

The six year old always sticks by me an d i have no idea why and its insane to try to make him go to bed cause he is always around me and doesnt leave me alone how do i get him to go to bed without him getting upset?




  1. see if there sleeping peels on the cabin

  2. At that age I say try telling them stories and giving them things like crafts and puzzles, or depending on the weather and what time they come over play with them outside to get them tired.  Then after they come in you feed them give them a bath and they should be ready for bed. Also at that age they should be able to tell you what they like to do as well.  As for the bed time if they're parents didn't tell you a bedtime usually about 8 or 9 would be about your best bet.  I have a 5 year old daughter and her 3 year cousin is her best friend and whenever he comes over they usually play so hard that by 8:30 or so they're out like a light!

  3. The parents should tell you his bedtime.  

    They should also prepare the 6 year old beforehand,   by telling him, when "John" says it's time for bed, you have to go to bed.  They (or you) should write down the number time on a peice of paper  that he is to turn in:  (like 7). You can make a game by having him check the paper against the digital clock periodically.

    When it's that time, that the first number on the digital clock matches the number on the paper, than it's that time.  Praise him for matching the number.

    Before they go to sleep you can read to them.  Tell him (6 year old) as you tuck him in that you 'had a fun time watching him.' And if he goes to sleep, you will be able to watch him again sometime.

    As far as activities, if it's daylight still, you can play some outdoor kickball, soccer, catch, any kiddie sports with both of them.

    If it's indoor, you could draw, have a 'movie night' with popcorn, etc..  which will settle the younger one and him down before bed and also it will give him his time that he likes to stick by you when the movie is on.

    You could do also some crafts.  Kids love to paste and draw, and love to hear praise for their creations-- but be careful as that can get messy!

    Ultimately, it is up to his parents to make sure that they prepare him for what is to expected at bedtime and your job to follow through.

    Have fun :)

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