
I am babysitting two boys all week next week that are going into 6th grade and 4th grade.?

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They tend to butt heads sometimes, but if I keep them busy they won't have any time to be mean. Any ideas to keep them busy. Keep in mind, I have them from 7am to 6 pm all next week! PLEASE HELP!!!!!!




  1. try word serech puzzles. u can make your own at

    some movies... they might be into wrestling

  2. Rent a G movie and have them watch it. No PG without parent approval and esspecially no PG13.

    Bring a board game you 3 can play, or go run around outside.

    Their 9 and 11 years old, most kids that age can entertain themselves. Just don't let them watch more than 2 hours of TV unless the parents say anything else. Bring a movie.. like ' Like Mike ' or ' Cheaper by the Dozen '. Ask the parents if it is okay if they watch a PG movie.

    I'm an 8th grader... but when I was in 6th I HATED being babyed and treated like a little kid, so I would just let him be and entertain himself when he wants to. Just don't let him get into trouble. And DON'T be afraid to stand up and be in charge because he is only a few years younger than you. It's hard watching a kid who is 11 or 12 when you're 13 or 14. The kids tend to think they don't have to listen to you. That's why grade-schoolers are easier ( 6-10 year olds ). Next time, I reccomend being atleast 4 years older than the kid(s) you're babysitting.

    Good luck:)

  3. oh wow, alright the idea is not to baby them- I'm only 13 but just sayin the 6th grader will won't not to be babied and probably not even babysitted

    take them out to do something they'll enjoy that, go biking or somewhere cheap


  4. have them play outside and run themselves out it works seriously

    if they don't want to do that, do something that they like to do- watch sports play video games, idk whatever they like to do really.

    just switch it up on a daily basis

  5. haha im goin in 6th grade so i could tell u a few things guys do in my grade, Okay, so if they like coloring, let em color. They probably like games. So if you don't have a PS2 or anything like that then let them play on the computer. Plus they would probably like football. So if you don't have one borrow one or buy one. Oh guys in 4th - 7th grade like music. so let em on youtube. Good Luck!

  6. Tv,Video Games,Swiming,OutDoor Recreation or just askem what they wanna do!

  7. handheld videogames :D

  8. um if you can try taking them to a park or just keep them outside play basketball with them or something. video games are always a good idea too!

  9. video games, take them outside to play in the yard, get different activities like games and stuff like that so they dont get bored

  10. oh boy!  I don't envy you!

    okay - is there a swimming pool you can take them to?  

    check into the movie theaters where you live - a lot of theaters have free summer movies on tuesdays and wednesdays....

    get some water balloons or water guns and let them have a water battle.  

    find out what their interests are.   My son is going into 6th grade - he likes all kinds of things - from cooking/baking to his ds games, guitar, xbox, being read to, watching movies...  even going to the library.

  11. 1.Video Games

    2.Watch a movie WITH them

    3.Handheld games

    4.Go shopping with them if they like it or not because they wont be mean to each other just talk about how much they hate you ,but they dont really mean it.

    5.Go to humane society and look @ dogs

    6.If they are acting up just say if you do that one more time I will take away_____

    Hope this helps!Good Luck!:)

  12. Movies, vidoe games and outdoor activities. If you have a dog make them dog walkers. All else fails let them play in the hose outside.

    By the way why does a sixth grader need a sitter anyways?

  13. please don't just sit them in front of the tv!  Get some good board games, visit a library, read a good book out loud all together, go to the beach, go camping for a day and have a cookout, get some scrap wood and tools and have them "make" their parents a present or birdhouse or whatever, get some balls and send them outside to play soccer or basketball, find some other kids in the neighborhood for them to play with, find out what interests them (art, music, sports, etc.), go to an outdoor pool, etc.  Keep to a schedule every day so they know what to expect.  Have fun!

  14. well i myself am a 7th grader but what i sugest is go rent some movies that theyd lyk, or maybe if u have some games around the house that they can enjoy let them play with it or maybe take them to the park

  15. get them a few movies they like. let them watch that. if they get restless take them outside to pass a football soccerball, whatever sport they like, until they get tired. then take them inside, a watch another movie. Also video games, if you have any. If you can drive you can take them some where they want t go, like a park or something.

  16. The sixth grade boy should be no problem just set him in front of the tv and he is good to go. The fourth grade boy will want to play games and bother is brother though so take the fouth grader to the other side of the room that the sixth grader is and play games with him. After the sixth grader feels bored with watching tv let them both play video games and watch them.

  17. teach them how to respect u. be firm and confident to what u say. stand ur ground but keep them busy. have them play physical games so they will be busy but get tired at the same time.

  18. I am a 7th grader.....the 6th grader will probably leave you alone. sont so bayish stuff..........these are preteens

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