
I am babysitting two boys the ages 7 and 8 for about 8 hours how much should i charge?

by Guest65034  |  earlier

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I am babysitting two boys the ages 7 and 8 for about 8 hours how much should i charge?




  1. $50

  2. I would charge minimum wage per kid.  I think that is five dollars and a half.  So, you will take eleven dollars / hour.  Your first time babysitting, you want to charge cheep, that away they will want you to babysit their children again.  Then after that you can bump the prices up, whenever you are their number one choice to watch their children.  Good luck. I hope everything goes well.  If you need more help feel free to e-mail me.

  3. *pinky in teeth*


  4. $5 for th e first and $1 per additional kid.  That's $48 bucks!

  5. since watching two kids is a lot of work, you should charge atleast 8-10 dollars an hour. average wage for a typical american is about 7-9 dollars, but since youre taking care of two human beings which is time consuming and a lot of work, you should charge like $8 or $8.50

  6. it depends really when you babysit if its at night when they in bed i give my babysitter £2 an hour if throught the day £4 an hour it also depends on how old you are

  7. it depends on how they treat you if they get on your last nerve i would charge alot about $10 for both and if their good i maybe $6.00

  8. about 100 dollars for 8 hrs @ least thats what i think 7 &8 year olds can be a lot of hard work

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