
I am becomeing a runner who can run for long distance but can sprint really fast?

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Can anyone help recommend a running schedule in as much detail as possible




  1. easy...5 miles a day nonstop. duh

  2. -run 3 miles straight

    -then do a 400m 400m 200m 100m 220m 100m 200m 100m 400m 400m

    -end off with a mile cool down

  3. Physically they are too diverse.  You have 2 types of muscle fibers Type 1 - slow twitch and Type II - fast twitch.  Slow twitch is for aerobic activities and fast twitch are trained for anaerobic power or sprint activities.  You have a set number of muscle fibers in your body.  According to some research of twins, a baby is born with all fast twitch and then depending on their lifestyles, those fibers turn into slow twitch.  The more you train aerobically, the more of your Type II are transformed into Type I's.  There is little to no evidence to show that you can reverse this effect.  Basically the more Type II's you have the more your body is conditioned for long distance and less conditioned for aerobic work.  This is why you don't see basketball players running marathons or 10k's, etc to work on their endurance.  Sprinters need power and the most fast twitch that they can get.  Now, the top marathoners are pretty fast - they are running 5 minute miles!  They are not even close to the fastest sprinters.  In the end you should pick one.

    Good Luck!

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