
I am beginning to think that Grundle and Baby Goat make naughty comments and references. How can I resolve...?

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... this revelation with my image of them as pure and virginal?

Poll: pure or virginal?




  1. I think I figured "Grundle" out...

    (NOT "Grendel..."   She's..."Grundle..."  There's a difference, oh kay, Beowolf?!?)

    She either loves you, or...

    She'll "cut" you...

    (Best to get on her "good side..."  Which is hard to detect at first, but once you get to know her "particular form of evil," you can almost "see" that there might be a "good side" to her...but that doesn't matter...what really matters is...

    ...We love her evil...better the evil that you love, than the one you don't know...)

    This little tid-bit of goofy wisdom, brought to you by...

    "Kraft Macaroni & Cheese..."

  2. Just picture them in church. POLL: pure. virginal sounds too prude for me.

  3. Grungle Goat is a virginal new age virgin of the Virgin Mary.

    Where in tarnation have you been, punk?

    * storms off *

  4. why does it bother you if they do, provided they remain obscure?

    If it continues to bother you don't make contact perhaps or let them know in some way you find them offensive

    sorry can't answer the poll as I think pure and virginal mean the same thing?

  5. i think one day you will just have to come to terms with the fact that we are filthy S****y whores.

  6. You mean they aren't pure and virginal? WOW! Who would have seen that coming?

    pure(like a fresh beer)

  7. i dont' have a clue as to why u'd want images like that in your brain....

    ...stop it

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