
I am behnd on my cable bill. Should i go 7 days without cable until i get paid or take out a short term loan?

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I am behnd on my cable bill. Should i go 7 days without cable until i get paid or take out a short term loan?




  1. If you are considering a loan to pay your cable bill, you need to cancel cable altogether.  

  2. Don't take a short term loan for something like a cable bill! The interest alone isn't worth it. Just read a book or magazine or hang out with some friends for a week. Save yourself a lot of hassle and high interest. Those loans are real scams!

  3. go 7 days without cable for sure

  4. I agree with Heather; if you are considering a loan to pay for your cable bill, you should cancel your cable.  Honestly, you really don't NEED cable tv.  I actually have a few friends who don't have cable, and they get by just fine.  I'd be willing to bet that you've got a dvd collection, or some books; if they're already in your possession, then that's free entertainment.  Or, perhaps you could just get the most basic cable package available; that's what I have, and I am happy as can be.  There are plenty of places to cut corners; you should never take out a loan to pay for something like cable tv.  Ever.

  5. phone the cable company and make payment arrangments for when you get paid...happens all the time...just make sure you stick to the arrangements you make.

  6. You need to either cancel cable or call your cable company and explain to them the problem.  Let them know when you plan to pay.  They will probably allow you to keep the cable and just pay it in 7 days.

  7. If you usually pay good then they will work with you but you have to call them and set it up, if your always late then go without cable but they may have a disconnect fee if you do that.

  8. oh gosh please dont use loans to pay things like cable bills. short term loans are a horrible idea!

  9. those short term loans can be very bad... 25 dollar interest for every 100 loaned and that's the lowest ive seen....if you can stand it i would just tough out the 7 days  and pay the cable bill when you can.

  10. OMG....just go without cable for 7 days....geeze !

  11. OMG, let me stop laughing first!

    Okay. How far behind are you? If it's just a month, you don't even have to worry about shutoff. You don't even have to call them, unless you want to ask to pay the month in installments.

    They send you a notice before they ever shut it off. Say you owe two months. You can stall them a bit by paying just one month. You're still behind, but not enough to be shut off.

    Once you get the shutoff notice, then DO call them and ask for a payment arrangement instead. Unless you're 100% broke and have no income from anywhere.

    Even if you can't pay, if cable Internet is part of it and you need it for medical reasons or maybe even job hunting, they may arrange to keep it on.

    You won't get a loan from anyone unless you have a way to pay it back, so it's just better to make a payment plan with the cable company. If you can't, then ask yur credit union or bank about small loans. Do you also pay your own electric and phone? It might work better to get a bank loan for all utilities together. It will sound better, get you out of trouble with the utility companies and maybe give you a little security money as well. You can ask for short-term, or make it easy on yourself and take a longer-term loan and pay it back early.

  12. taking out a short loan for a cable bill is such a waste of time,money, and effort. Just go a week without cable or borrow the money from one of your family members til next week.Besides a week without cable won't kill you!!!

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