
I am being abused at home?

by  |  earlier

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When a parent hurts you, its abuse right? There's verbal and neglect and physical. Well my dad has been verbally abusing me for years and Im about to go off the deep end. I am wound up in a knot and I dont know what to do anymore. I might leave. I have a job, thats close to a friends house (Brooke) and I will leave if things get even more out of hand. My dad has raised his fist to me as if to hit me before, and my mom works for the police department. It would humiliate him if I called the police, which I might do one of these days. His recent and seemingly favorite name for me at the moment is little 'witch' I know it means to him, b*tch, and it means the same to me. Im tired of feeling alone and hurt and I cant be as strong as I have been anymore, I am done with the stress, and my life is just beginning, Ill be starting school as a senior and I cant have this emotional baggage. Should I request counseling? Thank you to all who help. I really need it right now.




  1. How old are you?? there should be an abuse web site you can go to with a help line try looking it up in your area...but please talk to some one you can trust!!! that's the main thing. I'll be praying for you!!

    God Bless

  2. if you can't tell a teacher


                             or a school nurse

    tell the police what you have told us

    also keep us informed via this msg board

  3. counseling sounds like the way to go. Keep your head up. don't stress. relax and focus on school. try to go away to college!

  4. You sound like you already know what to do.

    Stay strong and don't let him bring you down.

    Nothing more to say.. I'm not good with comforting words, but I hope you get through it.

  5. Call the cops right away.  No one should have to go through being called names.  I say call the cops is because your Mom is'nt backing you up and she's working in a field that is suppose to help and not hurt .  Who cares if he's humiliated he's humiliating you.  If U take the abuse now you'll take it later in life in your job or other realtionships.

  6. try talking to your mom and your dad both face to face all sitting down tell them how you feel and if it continuesa what your gonna good luck to you i hope i helped......:D

  7. It sound like you still have a relationship with your mom. Try talking to her and tell her if things don't get better you will be calling social services to investigate your living conditions. Good luck to you.

  8. I think counseling is a very good idea,but is there way that you can talk to your mom or another family member that can help you get through to your dad,about how much he is hurting you?Or possibly if you can't talk to your parents face to face,consider writing one or both of them a letter,about how you are feeling.But counseling is definitely in order, even if it's just counceling for yourself ,so that you can break this abusive cycle . Talk to a teacher or a school councelor for assistance ,if none of the above suggestions seem to work for you .Good luck and bless you!

  9. i say you need to tell someone dont put up w/ this any longer u dont deserve it talk to ur mom maybe she can help if not id say leave if ur stuck and cant move out hey wait it out 1 more year and ur out of there right go start fresh somewhere else hey do what u thinks is right.

    good luck

  10. Counseling may help your situation for that moment while you are there because it will allow you to say all the details that you left out here and allow you to cry yourself out.  So that is up to you.  You say that your mom works for the police department why haven't you said anything to her before about it or why if she heard anything hasn't she done anything about it?  I feel as if you wasn't afraid to come out and speak your mind here that you shouldn't be afraid to call the police and let them know what is going on either.  I understand that that is your father and he may feel that he has full control over you but enough is enough.  What makes him do things like that to you?  Maybe you can try to avoid making those mistakes and things might get better.  Never stop praying and always remember to never let him see you cry.  Stand up to him and don't allow him to keep hurting you.  I hope I gave you some good enough advice and I wish you the best of luck of getting out of your situation fast and a hurry.  Keep your head up!  Keep smiling  

  11. I have to disagree with people telling you to talk to your mom.  It's happening in HER home to HER child and is being done by HER husband.  For whatever reason, she's not being helpful.

    I'm really sorry you're going through this.  I'm sure it doesn't help that much to know others are in the same situation.  What you need and deserve right now, more than anything, is an adult to whom you can talk freely.  If that is a counselor, fine...but the important thing is that it be someone you trust completely and can talk to freely.  Does anyone come to mind?  It could be a relative, a neighbor, a friend's parent -- don't let it affect you if it's someone who knows your parents.  This is for you and about you.

    My best friend was in a similar situation when she was a senior and it really helped her to keep focused on the fact that she only had one more year.  Obviously, if your situation is so dire that even a year is too much, do whatever you have to do to protect yourself.  Family "secrets" are usually secrets because they involve toxic behavior and you don't owe anyone, even your parents, a vow of secrecy when you're being mistreated.

    It's true that your life is just beginning!  And you have the same right we all do to explore it, so try to stay positive but don't try to stay quiet.  Talk to an adult.

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