
I am being an egg donor and am in the phase of getting the lupron shots, can I dye my hair??

by  |  earlier

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I have asked three different nurses at the clinic; two say yes, one says no. Which is it?

Many, many thanks!




  1. I don't think it would hurt anything. Your eggs have been in ure body all the time u have dyed your hair you should be ok. Just have a open window if possible or a fan blowing the smell away for ure own saftey.  

  2. I think it would be fine.  You shouldn't dye your hair while pregnant because it can hurt the fetus.  With eggs though, you've had the same eggs in your body your entire life and they've been there through all the previous times you've dyed your hair.  I don't see why it would hurt now. The Lupron just keeps you from ovulating until you get on the same cycle as the egg recipient if I remember correctly.

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