
I am being stalked!!!!!!!! Help???

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A few months ago i was on a aol teen chat room. even though i'm a little too young to be on it. It was really cool. everyone was cooler than on the lame kid one. well some guy wnated to talk to me and i said sure so we talked alone. i just talked to him how i lived in california and i game out my city. He didn't respond for a minute and then came back asking me if i went to ____________School and i was so surprised that someone no the interenet knew about my school. I said yes! and he said, "what a coincedence, so do i... i'm actually younger but i like to hang out with older people." and i said. "Me too!" i asked him for his name and he told me that he didn't like giving out his name on the internet. but if i told him mine maybe we could talk in real life at school. So i told him my first name. he told me he knows alot of people with that name and asked me for my last name and told him. he then dissipeared and came back on in like 5 minutes saying that we should talk at school. he began explaining where we should meet in the school at recess. He told me a specific spot that i knew! i knew he was telling the truth and we agreed. The next day at school, i waited at the spot. I missed my entire recess waiting and he didn't show up. when i got home i got a phone call by a private number, it was a man saying, " Hello? "my name " ? I gotcha i gotcha. be scared!' i thought it was just a prank phone call so i said, "whatever." and hung up. later on in the day i talked to the kid online again and told him, he didn't meet me. he told me that he was shy. So i said okay. and at least three times a week i talk to him about stuff. my family and friends and teachers. he knows what teachers i'm talking about. this month i had a brick thrown through my window in the living room, it had a noted attached to it saying my screen name and saying that i was dead. and then it said my real name. and it said love, my friend online's screen name. i was so scared. i took the note off of it before my parents came and saw the brick. i started talking to my sister about what was going on. she told me that i'm being stalked she said that guys do that. all they need is your city and then the look up the schools in that city and then find yours and then look on your school website and find things about it. teachers and my school has a virtual tour on the website meaning he would know where things were like the bench where he asked to meet me. he said because he had my last name he could put it in the yellowpages online and find me and just keep calling eveyrone with my name until he found me!!! he then could find my address. i'm really scared. last night i heard scratching at my bedroom window when i looked at nothing was there. And a hand came from under it and smacked my window with it and ran. the hand had cuts and blood on it and it smeared on my window. i think whoever it was was scratching my window with a rock, because there are scratches all over it. i washes my window with a kleenex before my mother found out. There was a peice a paper on the window seal and it said. "this will be fun, baby. I want your body so bad, school is starting right? The first day of school will be alot of fun!" those were the exact words. help me! i'm sorry if this was too long. i just really need help!!!!! i'm scared. school starts tommorow on wednesday. i think he will come up to the school. i don't wanna tell my parents. if i do, they will find out that i was on aol teen. And to do that i borrowed her credit card for confirmation. she never found out about it. i will be i so much trouble. i wasn't suppose to be on teen chat. help what do i do????




  1. Tell your parents immediately. Pick one: Getting hurt by this wacko or getting in trouble from your parents? The consequences of what could happen to you if the guy hurts you are much worse than getting in trouble from your parents. Tell them RIGHT AWAY. And I really hope they call the police.

    This may sound paranoid and harsh, but for all you know this guy might be a rapist or a killer. You're in a dangerous situation and you have every reason to be scared. Call the police!

  2. You seriously need to go straight to a parent right now!  It sounds as if you life could be in danger...not only yours, but your whole families!. What if one of your parents hear him outside your window and try to confront him? He could do them serious harm.  This is not something to take lightly. The trouble you may or may not get in to for using your moms card will be a lot less than possibly loosing your life to this whako!  Please, please go to your parents as soon as possible!

  3. well u can tell your parents a fix the hole thing or get raped by this guy..........  

  4. call the police it could get serious  

  5. You need adult supervision here. The best thing you can do is tell your parents before this gets any worse. A person you cannot identify is currently in knowledge of your whereabouts and can assault you.

    Do not leave the house by yourself. Take your sister or parents with you for now.


    PS: Do NOT 'borrow' or do ANYTHING ELSE with your parents' CREDIT CARDS

  6. omg you freaked me out as i read that story! if this is seriously true you have to tell your parents immediately along with the police! you shouldn't go to school tomorrow because this is serious!

  7. listen, if you don't tell your parents rite away you actaully WILL be in trouble. sleep in your parents bed...or go over a friend's house and camp out there. call the cops to investigate your house. don't answer the phone of the door. STAY AWAY FROM THE CHAT ROOM!  good luck.

  8. Rule no. 1 on the internet: Never ever ever give out your last name and city on the internet

    I know now that its too late so, no matter how much trouble you get into, TELL YOUR PARENTS!! then they might call the police and that guy will be too scared to go near you. I hope you do the right thing. Getting in a bit of trouble is better than having this pervert stalk you.

  9. It doesnt f 'ing matter if you dont want your parents to find out? Tell the police!! This is a little more serious then a stalker!

  10. Go to your parents and tell them everything and then take your whole family to the police. they will protect. You might be in serious danger!  i'm crying as am writing  this write now. i will pray for you. god bless!

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