I hung out with this guy for 2 days until he became borderline violent and threw his skateboard in a fit of rage over a minor disagreement we had (and I left the parking lot). I am 19, and he is 28 should act better since he is almost 30. For the last month, he leaves me mixed messages and texts on my phone. He'll say stuff like "I'll take care of u hun" and send me smiley faces. Then he tells me I am going to get beaten up and he wants to take me off the face of the Earth. Then again with the "call me." This is bizzare since I cut off ALL CONTACT with him the day after I met him, and I did not do anything with him like kissing or holding hands. He is rude in public. He does nothing but sell weed, no regular job. I really dont know why he is acting this way, because he is someone I don't really know and this has been going on for more than a month. Help me. I only knew him 2 days!