
I am being stalked?

by  |  earlier

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there is a dood that comes in my back yard and sends my mom wierd notes and i am onley 9 and i live in mount morris michagan.this is what he said: "christina this jesse again im trying to get hold of you we need to meet at the library tomorrow at 10 am it important" and when he did the im he wrote a y then did a i over it. my naighbor saw him park in my backyard he opend my gate and went in my backyard i am freeked out someone help my




  1. The first step to take in this situation is to call the police. Next, file a restraining order against your stalker. He will probably break it, at which point you can have him arrested.

  2. You and your parents should go to the police. Start documenting dates, and time when you see him and where.

    Do not go anywhere by yourself, never take an alley or another out of the way area, always stay in an area with other people.

  3. call the cops...

  4. Talk to your mom, and the police immediately.

  5. Tell him if he doesn't give you $1000.00 you will tell the cops he tried to molest you.

  6. you need to call the cops. tell your mom and if she doesn't call the cops you should anyway

  7. Well.

    First thing that comeess to my mind would be call the police.

    But then again doese your mom know him talk to him or is even friends with him?

    Those are the questions you would have to ask her and tell her your relly freeked out becuase this man keeps comming in the backyardd.And The best option if he dosent know her is to call the police thats stalkingg so im sure they will do somthingg about it.(:

    Hope i helpedd(:

  8. call 911 honey.
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