
I am being wrongly accused of damaging a car.. help!?

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I pulled into a parking space at ASDA and the second the passenger door was open the people in the next car were saying we had dented their car with our door. The door would need to be fully opened to even reach the car and we had literally not even stepped out of the car yet! The woman driving has taken my registration number claiming she will go to my insurance company, she even had a handy pen and paper ready in her hand. She was obviously trying to blame me for damage that a previous car or trolley has made; her husband in all this stayed very quiet and looked guilty as h**l. Does anyone know what I can do? I have taken her address and reg number and she has mine as I didn't want to just drive off and have the police after me based on her lie.

(This is in England)




  1. Contact the police, your insurance company.  See if the ASDA had a camera watching the parking lot.  Maybe that will absolve you.

  2. I would have just went on without giving her any information. After all, it is your word against hers. But sense it is too late for that now, I would contact my insurance company and tell them what happened. Give them the womans information and let them handle it.

  3. This is the "new trick" some people think that somehow a fraudulent insurance claim is OK and you have met one of these. Report it to your insurance on a for information only basis telling them that you feel any claim from the other party will be fraudulent and that there is not and can not be damage to your car. Should you hear anymore make your claim and let  them worry about it

  4. She would need to prove that you had damaged the car, In this country we had presumption of innocence which means that you are assumed to be innocent unless the other party can prove otherwise. She will find it very hard to get your insurance details without your authority and they will not act on a claim unless you fill out a claim form.

    If she tries to go to the police, they will probably not want to get involved as it happened on private property (Asda car park) and you have not committed a criminal act. She would probably end up going through small claims court and again, without evidence of you damaging the car, she has no case.

    I think you will probably get away with this one.

  5. Report this to your insurance company ASAP.  They will complete the liability investigation, and determine if they should make payment.   What does your passenger have to say about the incident?

  6. If this goes any further call the police.

    Also ASDA will have a video recording of the incident.

  7. Without a witness to support her allegations she has little chance to prosecution. I would put in writing your complete denial of her claim and just let her waste her money.

  8. you get in first and contact the police...before she does...

  9. This woman is attempting fraud. This is a serious offence. Get in first, report the incident to the Police.

  10. Contact your insurance company, explain the situation & let them take photo's of your vehicle.  If the damage doesn't match up, they'll decline the claim.

  11. Call the policy (not 999 - the local number) and report the incident to them.  Get a reference number from them and then report it to you insurance company.  Get in their first.  Stay away from ASDA - if it's like the ASDA where I am, it attracts a certain kind of person.

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