
I am beyond pissed at my doctor please read?

by Guest33789  |  earlier

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ok so i have discovered that my doctor has her head so far up her butt that she shouldnt be in this profession. so today I went in by the way I am almost four weeks postpartum so I went in today due to pain in my lower stomach below my belly button well anyways she said that i have a infection in my uterus and that could be causing the pain i mean its bad enough where i need to have assitance so she said that she would call in a perscripton for me and i said great she asked me if there was anything i was allergic to i said arithromiosion its a anti biotic and she said ok well as i check out the nurse told me where i could pick up my perscription and i said ok what is it by the way guess what it is its arithromiosion. so i said i am allergic and she said well i cant change the perscription and the doctor has left for the day. i am so she sceduled me for a appointment in two weeks so i have to live with this pain and have a infection of my uterus for two weeks will this harm me much if i wait two weeks and also is there anything i can do to keep it from getting worse. and on top of that that weekend in which i get to spend at the gyno is my 2 year anniversary i am mad please someone help me out so my question is what can i do to stop it from spreading and also is it ok to go two weeks with a infected uterus thanks and god bless




  1. go to the emergency room , they will give you a perscription of what you need

  2. Can the pharmacist contact your doctors office through an emergency number for a different med?  

  3. If i were you i'd go to the emergency because it is not good to have a infection during your pregnancy. Also I'd change doctors because you should be able to trust the person who will deliver your baby. If she can't even listen when you've just told her your allergic to something then you shouldn't trust her to give you something that could harm you or your baby. But its up to your judgement. If you do decide to change I'd switch to a midwife because they seem to look at you as a person not a paycheck.

  4. Try going to urgent care, an infection can turn into something more serious and possibly prevent you from having more kids later. Good luck.

  5. Time to look for another physician.

    You shouldn't have to live with any type of pain much less an infection. If you can make it until Monday, call you doctor and have her correct your prescription. She doesn't have to see you in order to do that. It is her mistake.  

  6. If you go to the pharmacist (have your husband at your side - they take you more seriously when you have a male with you)

    Tell her that you need this medicine by tomorrow morning or your symptoms will get alot worse and can potientally affect your unborn child - tell the pharmacist that if she does nothing, that if something happens to your child that it will be on her head

    The pharmacist usually has the doctor's information and can call her at home - for something like this that would be easy.  If she is unreacable, maybe she call call another doctor who also works at the same place

    doctors are required to be available on the weekends for these unexpected happenings - which in this case was especailly her fault!

    Good Luck!!!!

  7. i agree with the lady that said to go and get colloidal silver! It will kill the infection!! you should go get that, then you should switch Dr's and let people (maybe a local paper or radio station) know how absent minded the doc is and how rude the nurse was!!!

    alot of people don't even pay attention to the script that they are given cause the dr the one that 'knows best' gave it to them. She could have killed someone!

    THEN for the nurse to be like oh she's gone home you'll have to come back in TWO weeks!?!?!?!? so ok just deal with the pain on top of the pain from JUST having a baby and dealing with a new baby!?!?!?! AND let the infection get worse and spread? Potentially robbing you of future children or God forbid missing out on the one you already have because a moron Dr can't listen and a bi*ch nurse can't do her job and contact her BOSS. Give me a brake, if the dr forgot to pay her for the week we all know that the nurse would have had no problem with getting a hold of her!! Grrrr.... I am so mad for you!!!

    so seriously don't go back to that dr, and don't let them get away with what they did to you and don't wait 2 weeks to get yourself some treatment!! infection is POISON growing in your body!!! Please find a new doc and please don't let them get away with how they treated you!!

    EDIT don't forgive!!! OMG are you kidding me????she is a doctor no shes not expected to be a perfect person but she gets paid so much cause she needs to be damb near perfect at her job, thats why they go to school for so long and thats why they get paid so much!! maybe contact a school for drs and ask them if it should be forgiven if a doc gives someone a scrpit for something the patient just told them they were allergic to! if that happend in school or in an internship that person wouldn't get to be a doc, because they can't make mistakes like that. thats is simple carelessness!! nothing more nothing less!!

  8. First off I would switch doctors and also you can get Colloidal Silver which is a natural antibiotic and get rid of that infection in no time flat. We have been using it for years for things like UTI's, bladder and kidney infections, sinus infections, tooth infections, etc.

    You do need to see a different doctor in the future because it sounds like she doesn't really listen to her patients. This is awful to give you the wrong meds and for the nurses to be rude like that.  

  9. Go to the ER to get the medication you need.  Mean while, look for a new doctor.

  10. I wouldn't. What if something happened and you could never have children again. Go to an emergency room or something - I wouldn't be risking it!

    Good Luck, Sorry you are having to go through this.  

  11. you cannot go without antibiotics for 2 weeks, that is not safe nor is it appropriate.  you need to call the doctor first thing in the morning and demand a new prescription don't need to be seen again, you already were, you just need a new perscription...i wouldn't wait and i wouldn't put up with not getting the service you need, now!  you should not live in pain nor with an infection...i would demand to speak to the doc immediately...don't take this and don't wait!

  12. Calm down.  call the hospital where she has her patients go and ask them if they will beep her for you.  When she calls you back, tell her what she has done and have her call the pharmacy.  You do not have to go all weekend without the medicine.  

    Secondly, she is an overworked human.  She made a mistake.  I do not know of a doctor or any other human except Jesus Christ who has not made a mistake.  I am a nurse.  Nurses are supposed to be perfect too, but I'm here to tell you they are really not.  All humans make mistakes.  That doctor ordered that drug for you because the name of it was what she concentrated on.  She may by now know what she has done too.  She's sorry, I know or will be.  So don't be so hyped up over this.  Forgive.

  13. You need to find a doctor that listens to you, But for now there should be a doctor on call and the nurse should have told you that. If you have an office where there is no hope of ever getting help except during the work week then you have a problem.  If you call the office and there is no doctor on call message ( many have an answering service) then I would go to urgent care.  This can be very serious and could even cause infertility if it gets bad enough.

  14. Go to urgent care. They'll give you a prescription.  

  15. call their office now, they will have an answering service and say you need to leave an urgent message for the doctor on call.  the doctor on call should call you back and you should explain the situation.  sometimes you have to go around the nurses or medical assistants and right to the doctors.

    good luck

  16. Take the prescription to the Emergency room and tell them that you saw your regular who diagnosed you with an infection in the uterus and prescribed to you an antibiotic that you told your her you were allergic to.   Ask them what to do (the doctor on duty will probably check you out and give you script for another antibiotic.)

  17. Get a new doctor.  There should be a doctor on call that can prescribe a new antibiotic without having to look at you.  And, wow, those are some loooonnnng sentences!

  18. No, don't wait, look for another doctor or go to the E.R. or Urgent care, either one. Infections are not good to just "leave" especially for 2 weeks. Call your doctor and tell her what she did when you know she'll be in the office

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