
I am bipolar, whats happening to me with soo many headaches triggered from talking?

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Ok, last monday I had an emotional breakdown and went crazy, broke a lot of things and cursed my parents out. This was because i went to them for help for THE LAST TIME for my bipolar, because it has driven me crazy and they think its just a phase, YEAH A ****** PHASE THATS BEEN GOING ON FOR 6 YEARS....

So i basically broke down and either avoided my family as a whole or just quietly walked by them and ignored them. Well since i broke down I have been feeling slightly out of touch with reality, kinda like when you don't sleep for a while. My mind is really foggy and its hard to think and concentrate. I am also slightly paranoid now.

Ok, so i haven't really spoken to my parent since last week. When they ask me something, I just nod a yes or no and walk away.

So my dad tried talking to me. At first he seemed concerned, and then it slowly started heading towards "did u find a job yet?" "whats your decisions about this term at college" "did u do that thing i asked you to do 2 weeks ago" "have you done this or that for you mom yet" "do you still feel like you have psycholgical issues" "can you drop off you brother here on saturday morning" AGHHHHHH

Within the first question i started having a HORRIBLE headache. Like my mind can't handle this anymore. Whats going on? please help.

Each question my headache got worse. This only happened with my dad, because earlier today i was with friends and i was normal. The reason im concerned is because my dad tried talking to me yesterday and i COMPLETELY zoned out and stood there and then i had a horrible headache which drove me crazy till i took advil.




  1. You need to get them to discuss this with your primary mental healthcare provider, and review your medication. Also, refer them to the BIPOLAR SUPPORTER website, in section 10, at (view page O first) or print the relevant parts, and put in an envelope addressed to them, possibly with a request for them to contact your therapist. Headache is addressed in section 14, but yours appears to be of psychosomatic origin: discuss with therapist, if you have one. If you don't, get a referral from your doctor: this requires an expert, not an MD.

    (FROM: ) For example, these common illnesses can be caused by pharmaceutical drugs: Depression -- Accutane, **** Advil ****, Cipro, Inderal, Pepcid, Tagamet, Zantac ~~~ Maybe try something different for headaches.    

  2. i know someone who went through the same thing but she didn't know she was bipolar and she had your same symptoms we tried to get her to get help but it was to late she totally lost her mind and ended up in a mental hospital it took the doctors 3 months to bring her back to the reality now she on medication and continued her working life gets along better with her parents and hasn't had a episode of those again. you should get  professional help as soon as possible

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