
I am bipolar and I wanted to know if this a manic episode starting?

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Lately I have been feeling really confused, irritated, and angry.

I feel like im in a state of psychosis, my mind is a fog, and its very hard to concentrate.

My sexual urge is getting stronger and the time between "releasing" is getting shorter. Right now im just masturbating ALOT, but im starting to get really really horny seeing hot women in the street.

My mind is also racing, but not crazily, but it feels like im thinking more and more.

I feel like i have this warm feeling throughout my body, like when you are high, and i am getting bursts of energy, where i would get up, dance and then fall back in my bed. I do feel really excited and happy for no reason sometimes.

Now I am not sure if this is delusional, but my decision making in the past 4 days has DIMINISHED. Like I have to do something, and first I think it over, and then my mind picks out the correct decision, and then later on I realize that i made a very bad decision. I have messed up quite a few things in the past 4 days with my parents and this girl I like, by making bad decisions. I am believing things that are not true.

Also its like I am hearing things. I would hear like someone called my name, but no one did, or i feel like my family is downstairs talking but its 4 AM and they are sleeping

Also I am broke right now, but OMG I soooooo badly want to buy a netbook right now, if i had money, it would all be mine...

Am I having a manic episode?




  1. some of the symptoms are common with a manic high.. however some are not.. the energy bursts from a manic high would typicaly have you getting up and dancing, dancing, dancing ... with no falling back down on the bed until the mania had completely ran its course.. the hearing voices is a concern that you should talk over with your shrink asp

    you said you are thinking more .. but you also say that your mind is in a fog?

    confused, irritable, angry are often precursor's to a manic high but once you are in the high you feel so good you really dont give a dam about anything other than how good you feel.

    were it not for the differences id say be careful but enjoy ... but due to the points that are not similare to a typical manic episode is say get intouch with you shrink and hope hes a good one.

  2. You should really be checking with your shrink.

  3. Hiya, it definatley sounds to me like you're getting pretty high and having a start of a manic period. You should go to your dr as soon as possible and tell him everything thats been going on, hopefully you can get the support you need to balance out your mood again. Good luck

  4. This is not going to be an answer you will expect to hear but it's really important to copy what I'm going to write and then do your own research. In this country, anything that is out of the norm is considered to be mental illness. If you were living in India, Gurus would be seeking you out because what you are describing is a Kundalini experience and the beginnings of change that many spiritual students get. You have so much energy moving through your body that it's wreaking havoc with your brain. You are also shifting in between having access to different dimensions. The 'being able to hear things' is called Clairaudience. In this country you would be considered to be a blooming psychic. In India they would describe it as having Siddhis.  You are merely a sign that the whole world is beginning to change. What it means to be human is changing. Some people would say that you are an Indigo child. That is a way of describing it, although not entirely accurate. You will discover the truth on your own in time. The important thing right now is that you learn to manage your energy and regain your sanity before all that energy moving through your body fries your brain. All of the sexual energy, by the way is normal. Creation energy is the most important energy in the world and the most powerful which is why you have to be careful.

    Now, first you must understand that you must ground yourself and get rid of all that extra energy. Everything that has energy has to be grounded. ALL electric wires everywhere have to be grounded to the earth or they would be dangerous. This, essentially, is the state that you are in. What you are needing to do is DECHARGE all the excess energy that you don't need. Soak in a tub is one way. But I suggest that you go outside as soon as possible and sit directly on the ground for at least a half an hour. And just mentally give all that energy you don't need to the earth. This is grounding. Just like an electric wire. In fact, as you are sitting there on the ground and you look down the street you will doubtless see all of the electricity poles with ground wires. It's science, nothing more.  

    So, after awhile you should feel better. Try that first and see if that doesn't help. Good luck.  

  5. yes! you are having a manic episode. take your meds for this. you also sound like you are hallucinating. you need to see your therapist right away. if you dont have the money--then go to your local mental health office for help. i hope this helps. my wife is bipolar also. good luck.

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