
I am bored, so i want some opinions?

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do i looke better with or without makeup?

because i honestly hate wearing it.




  1. the eye make up makes them stand out heaps... but youre also very pretty with out aswell...  

  2. Without- you are a natural beauty

  3. either you have nice eyes.

    the make up brings them out more.

  4. honestly i think that it depends on what you ar going to do that day. if your going out with friends, i would say with and u might try some foundation too the mascara is really making your eyes stick out, try a brown shadow it will accent your hair more. eye liner is a no here i think. how ever if your just chillin at home or just hangin w/ a friend going somewhere that you just dont care or have no one to impress w/o. but its a personal opinion about your self. each way is unquie in its own way!! hope i helped!!!


  5. i think u look better with because ur face just looks way more defined and ur eyes POP. ur pretty both ways but with makeup {just dont put on too much. but if you dont like wearing it like you said then dont.

  6. You look better with, but your still pretty without

    If you don't wanna wear it, don't

    You don't NEED it, your pretty anyway

    Maybe just wear mascara? Or a few products that you don't mind?

  7. Definitely with makeup.

  8. either way...i prefer no makeup

  9. Without make up

  10. With


  12. without

    but you are pretty both ways

  13. That was a dumb question. but with.

  14. Go natural if you hate wearing why do it?

  15. without you look pretty either way

  16. why bother

  17. WITH-the mascara really brings out your eyes  

  18. Without, plus makeup can ruin your skin in later life.


  19. I think you are a very pretty girl WITHOUT the make up. Why wear makeup anyway? It makes people look fake.  

  20. with out gurl!!!! The like Natrural look is like so totally in this year!  

  21. Both look good. I'd say make up for the evening, no make up for the day

  22. i really like this:

  23. I think you look pretty either way, but the make up gives you more of an exotic, unique look.

  24. WITH!!!

    it really makes your eyes pop!!

  25. you look pretty both ways, but definitely with because it makes yours eyes stand out.

  26. Without. Your eyes are beautiful all on their own. You are one of the lucky ones.

  27. With.

  28. with. but you're great both ways so what's the point of wearing it all the time unless you want to?

  29. Which one aren't you wearing makeup in?

  30. with out

  31. First of all the second pic was taken in the car and they had different lighting and settings and stuff. Plus your sibling or whoever that was in the second picture was sort of distracting so..? The first pic you were not smiling and the second you were so I guess that means you want us to choose the with picture. I honestly cannot say the truth bbeause I do not know what the truth is. I am guessing you re 14? If you are that young you do not need make up. 15, you can use maybe a little mascara once a week and maaaaaaaaaaybe a little blush and lip gloss, but please, not liptick. That is jus how I believe. But of course, Miley Cyrus doesn't do what I believe either, but then again.... she is a super STTTTTTTTTAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!  

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