
I am bored and have nothing to do. does that give me the right to go and speed down the road in my car?

by  |  earlier

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i have nothing to do and i tried many things and nothing seems to satisfy me. so why not do something random.




  1. yes, that sounds very un-boring. i recommend it

  2. Why don't you drive around the block slow but in reverse.

    That will be more interesting to the onlookers....

  3. As long as there are no kids or animials around . Go for it

  4. being bored gives you no extra rights over not being bored. if you believe you already have the right to speed down the road, then nothing will stop you until you run into it. and since you don't sound like the brightest bulb, you WILL run into something someday.

  5. You need to think before you do something like this, if your safety means nothing to you then the safety of others should..

  6. you can do whatever you want- just be safe about it. The leading cause of accidents is speed. If you are bored think about maybe starting some projects that will keep you busy like working on building a car, or maintaining yours- wash/vacum/wash the windows. There are so many things to keep busy with. Just dont do anything that isnt safe- you do have the right to do anything- but anyone who cares about you- and the laws of course- want you to be protected from harm.

  7. Please strike a light post while you are at it. Make sure you hit the speed limit ... of the car, not the road.

  8. No, just turn up the radio and sing out loud.

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