I graduated with a degree in Psychology, and presently working as Teacher Aide for a very sweet 5-year-old-kindergarten boy with hyper-functional autism (combined with a regular class). Based from my evaluation, (though I only started my job three weeks ago), he goes beyond the spectrum, he is almost normal, in social interaction and in so many ways... except that he manifest signs of echolalia and follow FEW patterns with his activity. The problem arised when I started to notice the attitude of my head teacher towards this kid, he seemed to be so mean and apply negative approach which is harsh for the development of the child,e.g. he shout, yell and coax on situations which are highly tolerable in class. Like when the student start to twitch his body and slouch on his seat but his focus is still on the lesson, he would pull him on his armpit and drag him on a corner for timeout. Worse! he would hold him on both shoulders and with a voice that could raise the dead from its tomb.. scold