
I am bouncing or whatever they want to call it i dont know why if its unlimited i have folders and dumped my?

by  |  earlier

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trash i also have 600 emails in my inbox so why am i bouncing

i own a few groups and involved in a lot of them what the hey




  1. Why does it say my account is "bouncing"? How can I stop bouncing?

  2. There are two kinds of bounces.  

    A hard bounce is similar to a telephone being disconnected.  That is your ISP is telling Yahoo that no such address exists.  

    A soft bounce is equivalent to a busy signal.  Your ISP is telling Yahoo that it can't accept the messages right then and to try again later.

    Yahoo is only reacting to what it is being told by your ISP. your problem and it's solution is with your ISP.

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