
I am breast feeding, I have had mastitis 6 times!! Any hints to stop mastitis??

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My child is 4 1/2 months old and healthy! I have been on antibiotics 7 times, tried homeopathic products, been to the oesteopath, been admitted to hospital for 5 days with it - but I really like breast feeding still! Due to the health benefits to the wee one, and the convenience. Or do I finally stop breast feeding???




  1. I am currently breastfeeding my 14 month-old son and have had probably 10 cases of mastitis, the last one being as recently as last week. I have found that pressure on my b*****s, such as tight bras and sleeping on my stomach, are most often the cause. I think this is also related to my fast milk let-down. I took antibiotics the first 6 or 7 times I had it and have been able to "work it out" these past few times. One more thing you may want to try: in addition to nursing, pumping, massaging and using hot compresses, have your significant other try to suck out the infection. If you are this prone to infections you will probably get more, but if you can pinpoint possible causes you may be able to avoid some future ones. Is it worth it for your little one? That's a decision you'll have to make. It has been for me!

  2. Mastitis rapidly responds to homeopathy. In misunderstanding, people often purchase "combination" or single remedies labeled by clinical problem (i.e., sinus relief, diarrhea, bedwetting, etc.).

    If you know the principles behind self-help homeopathy, however, and selected one or two well-indicated remedies that didn't help, then you need to professionally see a homeopath certified to practice classical homeopathy (

    I've helped many moms at your stage, some having similarly tried self-help remedies, then coming to me once their own knowledge was exhausted. You do not need to stop breastfeeding.

    If you want to learn homeopathy for the home, Miranda Castro and Maesimund Panos, M.D. both author user-friendly books.

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