
I am broke, and I need money fast... Have any tips?

by  |  earlier

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Hi... I need money, and fast. I have twelve cents. My sister Jessica... Has 20$... and she will not tell me how to save money... and get it fast. See, I am a spender, so whenever I get my hands on money, I spend it. Have any tips?




  1. You save money by not spending it.

  2. y one as a bus boy you have to get a couple of part time jobs= try one as a bus boy for a few$$ every time you work plus check=work your way to waiter == Then sign your checks over someone you trust t hold your check book and only keep a few bucks in the debit card= that way the hackers won't get money if you are a victam== get a manager! for the bux

  3. Play the Lottetry!

  4. Yeah, learn how not to spend or be forever financially doomed.

  5. Get a job

  6. Ummm i have no clue but i wouldnt mind getting a few dollars to accompany my nickels and pennies either... so let me know when you get a good

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