
I am buying 2 female pet mice, what do I need to buy for their living?

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What sort of things do i need to buy other then a cage, and food and bedding?




  1. Here's a great place for mouse care:

    Remember, pine and cedar beddings should be avoided at all costs. They are dangerous.

  2. Mice are pretty simple creatures.  I've owned a few breeding pairs.  Basically, they need food, water, and something to satisfy their chewing needs-empty toilet paper rolls/pieces of cardboard or paper/wooden chew-sticks (available at most pet supply stores) work fine.  If you want to further enrich their space, try making little tunnels and mazes with old cereal boxes and paper towel tubes or whatever is around the house.  You should also buy a cage-side water bottle for small rodents, not the large type for hamsters.  

    If you are planning on getting two of the opposite s*x, be careful because mice breed like crazy-and their population will take over the cage within months-they will kill eachother and inbreed if you don't sell the babies.

    Hope this helped.

  3. other than cage, food and bedding, you will need a water/sipper bottle. water bowls dont work well because they love to kick bedding and soil in there making the water contaminated.

    and the main thing you are missing, are toys! they are very intelligent and will need something to do otherwise they will get bored, just like we do.

    chuck in some toilet rolls, you can give them ladders, ropes, tree branches, hammocks, tubes, cardboard boxes, anything basically! just make sure it is safe for them.

    make their cage as fun as possible, since they are going to be living their most of their lives.

    when you take them out to play, you can put them in hamster balls and theyll just roll around and explore.

    good luck and have fun with your new mice!


    please, dont listen to kheel mae. mice do not need cheese, it is bad for them unlike popular belief. they are also not carnivores, they are omnivores and do not need so much protein.

  4. Mice do become bored easily (although not as easily as rats) so some play equipment like a wheel or something is a good idea. Also  (I’m unsure whether or not you have had mice before) you need to make sure  your house is "mouse proof" even if u don’t think you will be letting them out of there cage.

  5. You need to feed them cheese. Well, mice are carnivores so you need to feed them small bits of pork or cow's meat. They'll love it. We have many mice at home and they eat meat. Just make sure you don't have any cats.

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