
I am buying a new computer and graphic card please help me by answering my question?

by  |  earlier

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I have about 450-500 dollars 2 spend on a graphiccard and a pc so only the cpu and graphic card i have a monitor so Could u tell me a good graphic card and pc together for games like Warcraft 3:frozen throne,world of warcraft burning crusade crysis,call of duty 4 , and other graphic games like this please post ure answers correctly and as simply as possible thaaankz




  1. your question is not clear enough because you said 3 times that you are buying a PC AND a graphic card and then you said ONCE that you are buying ONLY the CPU and graphic card.

    If you are buying the whole PC, why not talk to the salesman about your necessities, he'll probably advice you to buy a PC with a fairly good graphic card, something fast with a fair amound of RAM, but  if you are buying only the CPU and graphic card you need to state what model motherboard you currently own.

  2. For what you have to spend you are going to have a hard time finding a PC (including video card) that will meet your expectations.

    1.  Crysis alone requires a 3.0 GHz processor (which would be a minimum 1.5 GHz Dual Core Processor).

    2.  You never even discuss the operating system.  If you are running Windows XP you are going to want a minimum of 1 GB of RAM to run WoW and if you are running Vista, closer to 2 or 3 GB of RAM.

    3.  Then you have to consider your sound card.  Cheapest option which will usually work with most games, would be the integrated sound card.   But if you have any plans for almost "real life" sound you need to make sure that it supports 5.1 surround or more.

    4.  Like it is mentioned above, your operating system needs to be considered.  Are you wanting to purchase a "pre-built or a custom built" computer.

    5.  And lastly you will want a 512 MB Video card, preferably one that has dedicated memory, not shared.

    Even if you take the most basic model of the HP (the a6510t) and add the things that you will need, it is going to run almost $600 after rebate and the video card is only 256 (doable but not the best).

  3. I think you are getting things mixed up-or I can't read? You need a GPU and a computer? or just a GPU and CPU?

    Go to the link and look around,for $500 you can't get a real good GPU or a real good CPU.

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