
I am buying a palm centro but i am in the middle of the contract so i will pay a lot. where should i buy it?

by  |  earlier

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i am buying a palm centro but i am in the middle of the contract so i will pay a lot. where should i buy it cuz i don't wana pay the full at&t price. is there somewhere else i can buy it for cheaper.




  1. i would say buy it course your local craigslists or ebay however ebay is a little more risky cus they might send you a fake so try your local craigslist

    by the way i have the phone and i like it compare to other phones outhere

  2. Dont get anything Palm.. I went to the store and even though he would have made a bigger profit selling me the Palm he said to get a diff phone and that Palms were one of the least selling and worst phones hes sold.

  3. I don't really know where the salesrep got his information but Palms are by far the stablest systems out there, fact that sales aren't huge is because you put incomparable stats together. it's exactly like comparing how many macs sold versus PC's

    The trend now is definitely windows mobile based smartphones simply for the mere fact why people choose windows based systems. this "colorfulness" comes at a cost namely instability, virus infections, slow downs etc...

    I've been through 4 treo 650's in the last few years (only because of my negligence) and they were abused, I won't deny. I've also gone through 3 mobile devices last of which was a HTC Touch - not that glamorous. I worked @ Telus in support, I've seen my share of bad on WMDs & PPCs... IMO palms are just better.

    But the final choice of a device like this should be by needs and not the salesperson trying to make the bigger cut selling the higher-end device which the majority common user has at most 20% effective usage/knowledge during its lifecycle.

    my 2 cents

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